Vincent & Julia
Julia and Vincent Leiyoole are World Mission Prayer League missionaries in Kenya. Their passion is to bring full knowledge of the gospel to those with no access to education. When not on the road, Julia and Vincent maintain the WMPL mission station in Arsim and attend to a variety of projects in the area. ELC is partnering with Julia and Vincent in supporting several of their ministries. We are always blessed when they visit our congregation.

Missions Trips
Several members of ELC have participated in missions trips all across the world. They have traveled to Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya & India. We have had groups provide dental services to communities who have never visited a dentist. A group distributed reading glasses to adults and backpacks to children that were made by the members of ELC. They have even helped to build water filtration systems (pictured above) to ensure clean drinking water for villages.

Sewing Belles
The Sewing Belles of ELC are a very special group of ladies, who meet every week to sew quilts for those in need. Every October they display their hand-made quilts in our Sanctuary, prior to donating them to Lutheran World Relief. The quilts are then blessed, boxed-up and donated to families all across the world. Last year they were able to bless 170 families with a new quilt.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
43 S. Church St.
Waynesboro PA 17268
Contact Us
Phone: 717-762-9151
Email: officemanager@elchome.org
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday: 9:00AM – 12:00 PM