Covid-19 Update


We are very grateful that we are able to continue to gather and Worship together. We have eased some of our modifications, but we are still asking that the below precautions be followed.  Thank you all so much for your flexibility as we continue to make decisions out of care, concern and love.  We hope that you will join us in person, but if you are unable, you can still join on-line through YouTube every Sunday morning at 10:45AM during the fall and every Sunday morning at 9:30AM during the summer.



  • Masks are optional. We are no longer encouraging masks, but if you are more comfortable wearing one, please do.

Entering the Building

  • We now have both the Welcome Entrance and Choir Entrance open on Sunday mornings.  You may enter and exit the building however you like.  Greeters will be at both entrances.
  • Hand sanitizer is available. Please sanitize your hands when entering the building.

Move to Sanctuary

  • Once inside please move to the Sanctuary.
  • Ushers will be available, but they will no longer seat everyone.  We are still asking that everyone social distance the best they can.
  • Bulletins will be available in the Narthex, and outside of both entrances to the Sanctuary on each side of the altar.


  • We offer two worship services at 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM during the fall.  During the summer we offer one service at 9:30 AM.  The 8:00 AM service is a Traditional service and the 10:45 AM service is Contemporary with a children’s message.  Children may come up to sit in the front pew during the Children’s Message. Our nursery is available during our 10:45 AM service.
  • After the Children’s Message, all children are welcome to join us for Children’s Worship.  The children will leave the Sanctuary, and return when the sermon is over.
  • Communion will be offered at each service.  We will have Altar Communion at the 8 AM service and Continuous Communion at the 10:45 AM service.
  • We will have offering boxes at each entrance to eliminate passing the plate.

Leaving the Sanctuary

  • You may use whichever exit you like when leaving the Sanctuary.


  • Please understand that these changes are temporary and have been established to help protect all of our members to the best of our ability. These changes are being made with the guidance of the CDC, our Bishop along with other bishops, our Covid-19 team (Rachel Moritz, Andy Rovelstad, John Stains, Pam Wagaman, Alicia Shemon, Karen Walker, Tracy Nickel, Pastor Drahus, and Pastor Dennis), and our church council.  We will make modifications as time goes along.  We will do our best to keep you updated.

Evangelical Lutheran Church

43 S. Church St
Waynesboro PA 17268

Contact Us

Phone: 717-762-9151

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday: 9:00AM – 12:00 PM